Sunset in Arches
The December issue of “Outdoor photographer” arrived yesterday, and made me realize, that even if Arches are the most photographed place in US, it doesn’t mean that I will be banal by putting some of my photos from there on my blog. By far these are the photos I will go back to most often. I knew I will enjoy the place when I went there, and I indeed did.
There is a funny story behind this photo. On the first day, on our way back from the Window Section, late in the afternoon, we saw a bunch of photographers in one spot. I think it was Parade of Elephants, but almost a year later, I just cannot remember, If anybody recognizes the place, leave a comment. They had their cameras, tripods, lotsa stuff. Looked serious. The sun was down already, it was getting dark- no point to stop and try to figure out the place. We returned next day, about an hour before the sunset. We were neither first, not last :). I set up to photograph this one view, and I have a history of light changing during the sunset. But I like this one the most.