Before Saturday’s Photo Walk
Just in time for the Scott Kelby’s 5th Annual Photowalk, here is a collection of tips from around the Web on how to make the best of the event. If you did not sign up yet, or were hesitant to do so, there is still time, unless you happen to be reading it on Sunday afternoon! Go to the Worldwide Photowalk web site and learn what the photo walk is about and then- pick a location near you. You are ging to have a blast!
1. 8 Things to Bring on a Photowalk by Digital Photography School
2. 10 tips for enjoying a photo walk by Tiffany Joyce for Digital Photography School
3. Ideas for photo walkers by Dave Cross
4. A guide to photo walking by Jeff Revell, The Photowalk Pro
5. 10 reasons to participate in photowalk by Darlene Hildebrandt
6. 10 things for a great photo walk by Tiffany Joyce