Over field country
I got talked into flying again. And it means another collection of aerial photos. It is a great time for that, too. …
I got talked into flying again. And it means another collection of aerial photos. It is a great time for that, too. …
Last weekend, our local photo club organized (well, our Activities leader did) a fun photo shoot for club members. We met on …
I went to a ballet for the first time in my life just a couple of weeks ago. The real ballet, although …
After I posted my first thoughts on Robert Weingarten “Another America” on G+, Ray Ketcham suggested taking a look at work by …
Sometimes, I read a post on somebody else’s blog, and I see an image which reminds me of something I shot a …
My photography takes a back burner a lot this year. Partially, because I need to put a bit more focus into my …
The weather finally turned into something which can be considered spring here. With high 70s and 80s, the neighborhoods come back to …
Nature around here is waking up to life, I think, it just happens so slowly. The first green on the grass became …