Pizza garden – week 18
The classic example of bad planning, today morning was. I had about half of an hour left to create the blog image. …
The classic example of bad planning, today morning was. I had about half of an hour left to create the blog image. …
I have a small bed of wild flowers in front of the house. It finally made me go out in the afternoons …
I was complaining last week about not seeing flowers on the pepper plant, although at least one fruit is growing already. Well, …
When I was ready to give up on the pepper plants, Tomasz noticed a small pepper hanging under leaves. The closer examination revealed four …
Yes, I know- I skipped week 14, unfortunately. But it was not entirely bad decision, since after we came back from Oshkosh, …
I was occasionally getting frustrating with the backgrounds for my tomato images for Saturday’s Pizza garden project. Moving the pots around to …
The pizza garden turned into the tomato garden. Yes, pepper plants and few herbs are still there. But peppers are not that …
These are not really strawberries. I am not even sure if the English language has a special name for them. These are …