Art of art
I am catching up on my magazine subscriptions reading. In an older issue of “LensWork“, number 88, there is a beautiful portfolio …
“Microstock money shots” by Ellen Boughn – book review
I got the chance to get Ellen’s Boughn recent book, “Microsotock money shots” as a prize in the contest at Lee Torrnes …
Photographers’ resources- part 1 – Beginners
Four years ago, I did not know what aperture is nor what HDR means. I was taking unbelievable amount of out-of-focus snapshots …
4 ways to achieve tilt-shift (miniature) effect
It seems to me that tilt-shift effect is gaining on popularity, and not because more lens are selling :). There is number …
I am an occasional Twitter user. Although I still haven’t figured out what it all is about, I would go once a …
On composing
I was thinking recently about different types of photography. I enjoy doing two types of images- nature/landscapes and food. As far as …