How not to take landscape shots
Not so long ago, on Scott Kelby’s blog, the post showed up discussing one of his, not so interesting anyway travel shots. “This cannot be a good shot because” was supposed to be a satire on all photographic forums and such, much more oriented on gear then creativity. At least that’s I think what it was about. The truth be told, Scott Kelby by himself is rather opinionated person, not unlike many of those forums participants. And, after listening to just a few of his Blind Critiques on “The Grid”, you can easily come up with a short satire what else is wrong with this image.
- It was not shot in a location Ansel Adams himself would shoot. If it was, there is no indication of it in the shot, thus it was not. After all, other than Arches and Yosemite, landcape photography is permitted only in few chosen spots. You cannot practice that genre in Iowa or Pennsylvania.
- While the road adds a bit of interest, there is no real foreground. There should have been a rock placed on the road, possibly close to the photographer. Or a tree branch, at least. After all, if there was none, it should have been dragged from next/previous view point. Best- with wild flowers growing from it.
- Although it was shot at right time of the day, within the golden hour, the colors are all wrong. The pink tones are missing, the image does not fit within current landscape esthetics.
And for illustration, one of mine landscape images. Taken in Colorado National Monument at sunset, features a tree, and us. I used a zoom lens on Nikon D300. Is it a good or bad shot?
Now, to you. Do you feel there is far too much rules and limitations against which your photos are critiqued, regardless of how good they really are? Any more examples of opinionated people who just affirm the status quo? Share your thoughts in comments!