I read an excellent post on seeing in black and white by Joseph Eckhert on Digital Photography School recently. One comment made me really curious. He states something to that meaning – color photography is best in soft light, black and white is best in strong, full of contrast light. Hmmm, never thought about it this way. To give it a try, I took an image shot during Worldwide Photo Walk – the leaves in bright light, surrounded by the area of shadow. It was almost a monochrome, with all the tones of green. But when I turned it black and white, it came to life. The bright, saturated color was no longer distracting- you could focus on the light and how it shapes form of the subject. I added a little green tint, as I prefer to add a bit of color to my black and white images- I used the color from David DuChemin’s Iceland Split Green, which he shared in his “Iceland – The monograph” e-book over a year ago.