Lukasz Zarebinski – LA bakeries story
I was approached by Los Angeles Magazine and asked to shoot a story on LA bakeries. The photo editor was already familiar with my work and this was my first assignment for them so I was extra excited. The story had to include number of baked goods from few earlier chosen bakeries. I found myself driving around Los Angeles and searching for the most photogenic cakes, cookies, breads, brownies you name it. After number of places visited we came up with more the 15 different goods what were going to have photographed over the course of one day. With food photography its absolutely crucial to decide on the best looking items in order to make the most beautiful pictures.

As we started photographing various cookies and cakes the colorful macaroons really caught my attention. I loved the diversity of the color and the potential of stacking them onto one another to achieve “macaroon towers”. After playing with light briefly I got this quite stunning photograph that end up running full page and to this date is one of my favorite pictures I have ever taken.

The double cupcakes picture is actually two pictures. As a part of the same story, we end up shooting whole bunch on single colorful cupcakes on a light gray background. When I delivered all the photos to the magazine, the editor started playing with them and decided on flipping one upside down and joining them together. Quite a brilliant idea it was both the macaroons and the cupcakes photographs were the openers for the story and run side by side as a spread.