Above Iowa City
Fall here is getting more and more colorful each and every day. It looked at first, we will not have much color. …
Fall here is getting more and more colorful each and every day. It looked at first, we will not have much color. …
I am not very successful in getting awesome pictures of fall this year. The main reason is, for the pictures I would …
Last weekend, Linn Area Photo Club organized fall color shooting. Since the club is “Linn area” I knew I will have to …
When I arrived to my parents place couple of weeks ago, you could feel fall was coming. It was even already there, …
Don’t you sometimes need simplicity in life? Something just being black and white, with no shadows of grey to complicate things?
A few weeks ago, friends of ours asked if we could take their family photos, for holiday cards I suppose. We wanted …
Fall, even late fall, is particularly good season for my favorite nature abstracts. Just as it is good for black and white, …
This weekend, the weather continued to be warm and sunny. With no other plans, we took long walks in the area parks, …