Two pears
Another Orton effect. This one was shoot more by accident, when we were photographing pears in downstairs studio. We were trying to …
Another Orton effect. This one was shoot more by accident, when we were photographing pears in downstairs studio. We were trying to …
In food photography (or for that matter in almost any kind of photography) most of the times the difference between great and …
Recently I find myself trying more and more different kind of lighting pattern I’d like to learn and trying them at our …
Today’s image comes from the same session Tomasz mentioned several days ago. We were finishing off our evening in the studio, when …
The winter in Iowa keeps us well locked at home so far, with temperatures in single digits and wind chill below 0F. …
For some time now I was playing with light. Contrary to Iza I very much like using flashes as much as I …
To post or not to post? Busy and stressful day, and I couldn’t make up my mind the whole evening. Then I …
Yet another image from my recipe book collection I did last months. Or maybe it is more then that, already? I am …