Little colors of Santa Fe
Last selection of Santa Fe images- a bit of color I was able to find in nature, hiking and in local botanical …
Last selection of Santa Fe images- a bit of color I was able to find in nature, hiking and in local botanical …
We were graced with warm and long fall this year. Even so, leaves fall and plants die sooner in Iowa than just …
Nature around here is waking up to life, I think, it just happens so slowly. The first green on the grass became …
Some long time ago, a short article titled “Photographer’s wife” written by Michelle Blanchard showed on Nature Photographers website. I found it …
I took two walks yesterday. During the day, I had my film camera with me. On first click, I finished the film …
Five years after the flood of 2008, Iowa City is getting ready for another big one. This time, nobody waits for the …
To follow up with yesterday’s post talking about the modern day challenges in shooting film (at least based on my experience, living …
This small project which I am going to share came about from comments exchange with Sabrina Henry. She posted a simple shot …