Orange jug
Rummaging through endless items around my parents house, I found this old jug. Looked crappy, at first sight. And that I figured …

Pink ball
I should title my iPhone photos posts something like “Quick snap” or similar. They are so fun to take and so easy …

Grass and rock
When I took two images combined in the post photograph, I was not completely sure, what the result I want to achieve. …

Prairie abstract
On my recent weekend hike in local park, I was playing with a “still panning”, which I also tried before and still …

Another picture from last weekend trip to park. I love how the bright grass contrasts with green trees in the shadow at …

Just a quickie today. I did prepare image earlier, just don’t have time to come up with few lines of making sense …

Prairie grass
I saw this type of photos for the first time taken by William Neill, I think. And in Brenda’s Tharp book. And …