Above airplanes
It was a weird period, almost a year now. I was away from the blog. I was hardly picking up my camera. …
It was a weird period, almost a year now. I was away from the blog. I was hardly picking up my camera. …
Last weekend, I was put in charge, once again, to photograph airplanes. Something I don’t mind at all. I must have mentioned …
It is almost third day I am working on Pumpkin Splat photos. True, I am not spending too much time on them, …
It was an exciting day yesterday. The weather was great, warm and sunny, perfect for being outdoors. The turnout was significant. There …
All the pumpkin photos were taken yesterday at the local airstrip, Green Caste. Today, they have a fun event, Pumpkin Splat. Yeah, …
:) New construction of landing gear? They say, take a camera, start shooting and you will get the chance to catch something …