In the raptor eye
It was so long ago, I almost forgot about the shots. In January, we went with friends to photograph birds in the …
It was so long ago, I almost forgot about the shots. In January, we went with friends to photograph birds in the …
Having day off work yesterday, we got together with friends of ours and went to photograph birds on Lake Macbride. I mentioned …
Shooting with a different then usual lens this past weekend was a great fun. I knew that with the increasing focal length, …
It was a very successful weekend. A little discouraged by last Sunday experience in photographing birds from blind in local Raptor Center, …
The Raptor Center I mentioned in the blog on Monday has a bird blind. It is what is says- a shack made …
Finding a place for a photographic hike during snowless winter in Iowa is not an easy task. There is a little bit …
The Raptor Center is so close to home, that I seem to be a returning guest there. I do not particularly enjoy …
The Raptor Center I wrote about yesterday has also a bird blind, accompanied by regularly refilled multiple bird feeders. Great chance to …