Flower product photography tips – an article in L&GR magazine
Late April, I have been approached by Abby Klacker, editor at Lawn & Garden Retailer magazine. She wanted to ask me few …
Late April, I have been approached by Abby Klacker, editor at Lawn & Garden Retailer magazine. She wanted to ask me few …
People all around US are getting ready for the Independence Day celebrations, day off work, grilling, parades and of course, fireworks displays. …
National Parks of the United States offer great visiting and photographing opportunities. It makes sense, since they are established in unique and …
If you have never heard about Piper Mackay before, you should look her up on the Internet. It should be easy, it …
Spring is here, and with it the nature comes back to life. The flowers start blooming, both in your garden, and in …