Pizza garden – week 12
The day woke up cloudy. Intriguing weather, really, considering how hot and muggy it is. But it is something I could only …
The day woke up cloudy. Intriguing weather, really, considering how hot and muggy it is. But it is something I could only …
The pepper decided not to bloom just yet. So I focused, literally, on small tomato plants again. This time I took it …
Quick and late update on my pizza garden. As those of you who follow the blog systematically know, I was away for …
I was focusing in these garden posts on what is happening with my plants. But I do not think I ever really …
My pot garden is doing quite well. The tomato plants are growing quickly in all containers (I think there is four currently). …
After last weeks pruning, I have two pots of small tomato plants which probably will die rather then flourish and the original …
My pot garden is doing just fine. Warmer weather, some rain, some sun, and even few frost last week do not seem …
Now, when I gave up on the first two pots and seeded the second set, the first one finally started to grow. …