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It’s all about tulips

We like to go to Pella for (or just around) the Tulip Time. People look at me weird when I say at- …

Memories of spring

Considering I have not been active on blog for close to 3 years, there is enough in my archives to serve me …

Field of colors

Those abstract photographs when you intentionally move the camera on a static subject, creating areas of blending color, are so fun to …

Pella Tulip Time

There are several events we attend yearly. Airventure in Oshkosh in summer is one of them, the second one is Pella Tulip …

Unique and twisted

The “twisted” theme for Macro Monday today had me thinking hard all week long. And then, I just bought a bouquet of …

Petal abstract in red

I have photographed this tulip petals some time earlier this year. I just received the fourth issue of Photograph and was absolutely …

Tulip in the rain

Today, I decided to repost last week’s close-up of beautifully translucent, back-lit petal of orange and yellow tulip for Macro Monday over …

Tulip Time festival

Pella Tulip Time in Pella, Iowa is one of my favorite small town festivals around where I live. The town take advantage …