Prairie dogs
One fun aspect of photographing in Badlands was wildlife. In the North-Western part of the park, the whole action happens. First, there …
One fun aspect of photographing in Badlands was wildlife. In the North-Western part of the park, the whole action happens. First, there …
Shooting with a different then usual lens this past weekend was a great fun. I knew that with the increasing focal length, …
It was a very successful weekend. A little discouraged by last Sunday experience in photographing birds from blind in local Raptor Center, …
Winter is my favorite season. I realize not many people would say that. Mostly because of cold and so called “inclement weather”. …
I continue on stalking the flock of wild geese in the neighborhood park. Finally, one afternoon I was successful in being there …
I went this past weekend to the park with lake to photograph geese again. But it was colder, and they just swam, …
Those geese have their story. For couple of weeks now, I heard and saw them flying above our house. Just few of …
It seems to me that tilt-shift effect is gaining on popularity, and not because more lens are selling :). There is number …