Walk in Ybor city
There is nothing more unusual for me than spending New Years Eve in shorts and short sleeve t-shirt. It just goes against …
There is nothing more unusual for me than spending New Years Eve in shorts and short sleeve t-shirt. It just goes against …
Late winter is probably my least favorite season. The snow is already melted, but there is no trace of green yet. Everything …
I photographed very little winter this year. So when last week temperature increased just a sufficient notch to be able to get …
Some days, I wake up and have the feeling there is going to be winter forever. ANother day with negative temperatures? It …
Having day off work yesterday, we got together with friends of ours and went to photograph birds on Lake Macbride. I mentioned …
Beginning of New Year is the time for everybody (me included) to make posts summarizing last year and post their “bests”. For …
Just a simple, winter scene from last year’s winter. I sometimes like the effect the backlight creates, sun flare and warm tones …
I took this image middle November. That’s when we got first snow this year. I grabbed the camera in the last moment, …