The rush hour
It is a great day for me. My boss told me some time ago about the photo contest organized by local Rec Center. I did some driving around town, looking for interesting vantage points, some worked better then others, and finally I ended up with 5 decent prints. Well, as I just learned, one of them won. I earned my first “photo money”, won first photo contest, and will get my picture published for the first time. I am exited.
Although today’s photo is not the winner, it is from same session, and is in fact quite similar.
The contest called for photos showing our town. I am driving this road back and forth every day. I am turning into it at the intersection at one end of town, and leave the road at the other end. And from both points, you can see the whole main strip. The early darkness in late October makes it possible to take photographs like it of rush hour, when people shop and dine.